FARO Focus3D scanner - Settings for distance

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Joined: 08.01.2014 - 11:21
FARO Focus3D scanner - Settings for distance

What happens internally in a FARO Focus3D X 330 scanner if you select short, normal or long range in the advanced settings?

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Forum Schlüsselworte: 
Last seen: 2 days 15 hours ago
Joined: 30.03.2011 - 07:47
Settings for FARO Focus3D


If you change the range in the FARO 3D scanner's settings, you change the resolution of the scan. That means the number of scan points per area.
If you scan close objects, you can use a lower resolution (number of scan points) than for distant objects. The time of scanning increases with growing resolution - the same for the laser scan's file size.

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LSE team