Case study

More sustainability and circular economy in construction projects


The Kalasatama-Pasila Project

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The Kalasatama-Pasila project is an innovative construction project comprising a 4.5 km tram line between Kalasatama and Pasila in Helsinki. With a strong focus on sustainability, accessibility, and efficiency, this project aims to revolutionize the mobility of residents and promote environmentally friendly modes of transport. Completion is scheduled for 2024. Currently, Kalasatama is home to approximately 9,000 people, but by completion, it is expected to be home to over 25,000 people and create more than 10,000 jobs.

Statistics and information about the project

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With a budget of €80 million for the main project and an additional €200 million for related projects surrounding the tram line, this project is being commissioned by the City of Helsinki and Kaupunkiliikenne Oy. Two alliances are significantly involved in this project: Sörkän Spora and Karaatti. The Sörkän Spora alliance consists of Destia Oy, Destia Rail Oy, Sweco Finland Oy, and WSP Finland Oy, while the Karaatti alliance consists of GRK Suomi Oy and AFRY Finland Oy. To support the project, Destia Oy and GRK Suomi Oy are using Pointscene, a platform for documenting and monitoring construction work.

Objectives of the project

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The project is a pilot project for greater sustainability and a circular economy. To achieve the project's ambitious sustainability goals, it must be implemented with a high degree of digitalization and lean, open BIM processes. Continuous monitoring and documentation of construction work will allow sustainability goals to be measured and evaluated accordingly. 

The Kalasatama-Pasila project places particular emphasis on: 

  1. Reducing lifecycle impacts: Minimizing environmental impacts throughout the infrastructure's life cycle.
  2. Promoting the circular economy: Reusing and recycling materials and reducing waste.
  3. Mitigating the negative impacts of construction sites: Reducing noise, dust, and other nuisances for local residents.
  4. Improving participation opportunities: Increased involvement and transparent communication with all stakeholders.

Solution and implementation of the project

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To ensure the project's success, Open BIM and GIS standards will be integrated. These play a central role in the Kalasatama-Pasila project. The following working methods are being used: 

  • Drone-based documentation: Both alliances use drones to document the current status of the construction site. This data is stored centrally in a Pointscene project.
  • Automatic orthophoto sharing: Pointscene's automated tools enable efficient sharing and use of orthophotos, reducing the number of file transfers and accelerating the process.
  • Web Map Standards (WMS): The introduction of open Web Map Standards (WMS) for the collected drone data allows planners to directly access the latest aerial imagery in their design tools, eliminating the need for large file transfers.
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Pointscene Mitarbeiter im Feld

How are the project’s sustainability goals achieved?

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Pointscene Straßenbau Projekt
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To achieve sustainability goals, a high degree of digitalization and lean, open BIM processes are crucial. Continuous monitoring and documentation of construction work enables accurate measurement and evaluation of progress toward sustainability goals. Modern technology allows adjustments to be made in real time to optimally achieve project objectives. 

In addition, the efficient use of digital technologies and standards significantly improves coordination and information exchange between project participants. This leads to smoother collaboration, shortens project timelines, saves resources, and contributes to the more effective implementation of sustainability goals.

Quintessence of the project

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The Kalasatama-Pasila project represents an outstanding example of a modern, sustainable infrastructure project. With its focus on sustainability, innovative technologies, and efficient processes, it sets new standards for future urban development projects. The successful implementation of this pilot project will not only improve the quality of life of residents but also make an important contribution to promoting the circular economy and reducing environmental impact.

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You can read the original Pointscene article here:

Original contribution from Pointscene


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