Renewal of bridges with modern technology
TitleRenewal of large bridges in Finland
Kreate, a leading infrastructure company in Finland, is implementing a major bridge project that includes the renewal of the bridges over the Kirjalansalmi and Hessundinsalmi rivers. The Kirjalansalmi Bridge, built in 1964, and the Hessundinsalmi Bridge, built in 1974, require renewal due to their age and condition. This renewal is crucial for maintaining safe and reliable traffic between the town of Parainen, the Turku archipelago, and the mainland. Construction began in 2022; completion is scheduled for the end of 2025. The project costs €128 million and is funded by the Finnish government.
TitleWider bridges for improved traffic flow and increased safety

The goal of the project is to build two modern bridges that will make traffic safer and more reliable. The new bridges will be wider to improve traffic flow and increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists. They are intended to serve the city for many decades. There will be traffic disruption during construction, but the impact on commuters and travelers will be minimized.
TitleKreate uses Pointscene for optimized data management and decision making
Kreate uses Pointscene, a drone data management platform, to support daily on-site work. Pointscene is a central element of Kreate's workflow and is used to manage orthophotos and point clouds. Kreate uses this drone data alongside other platforms such as Trimble Connect, Infrakit, and Worksitemap to access plans live on-site. Rasmus Sainmaa, Head of Development at Kreate, emphasizes the importance of Pointscene for efficient data management and sharing, leading to better decision-making and project outcomes.

You can read the original Pointscene article here:
Original contribution from Pointscene