Case study

Re-experiencing building history: How a student is revolutionizing architecture with modern software

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Representation of the history of a building in a single software

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Architecture is not just the design of future buildings, but also a window through time. Architects can not only design future buildings, but also delve into the past and uncover hidden stories, details, and secrets that enrich the building's architectural value in the present. Sophie Collins, a Master's student at Newcastle University, wanted to create a unique experience for her thesis. Her focus was on Monkwearmouth Railway Station in Sunderland, a Grade II listed railway station. Sophie intended to transform it into an interactive archive with a changing exhibition program to engage visitors with the history of the building and the city.

The problem

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The idea was to test the boundaries of what's possible and create a space that adds value to the community in a novel way by incorporating the past rather than displacing it. Sophie had previously participated in a research project focused on spatial imagination and memory in architecture, using a laser scanner (Leica BLK360) as a capture device. 

"I was fascinated by the idea of ​​transcending architectural conventions, not only in terms of content but also in implementation. An alternative technology like LiDAR offers so much creative potential in the field of architecture that it provides the perfect basis for my thesis."

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A comprehensive program for data visualization

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Sophie needed a powerful tool to combine the collected point cloud and photogrammetry data and create an immersive experience. Veesus Arena 4D proved to be the ideal software for processing the complex data. Arena4D enabled Sophie to effectively combine various project elements and create complex animations. Veesus' well-explained online tutorials facilitated her learning process. 

The project pushed Sophie to her limits as the animations and data types became increasingly complex. In addition to the animations, Sophie incorporated sound effects, archival footage, hand-drawn elements, and networked photogrammetric data. Arena4D proved to be the perfect software for combining this diverse data and achieving a detailed end result.

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Crossing boundaries and creating vibrant spaces

Sophie's thesis presents a fascinating tour of the building with interactive installations that allow visitors to explore the history of the site and the building. She challenges the concept of the traditional archive and advocates for living spaces where knowledge is not only collected but also shared. 

With the completion of her Master of Architecture and the recognition of the university, Sophie highlights the groundbreaking role of Arena4D in setting new standards in architecture. The software not only brought her thesis to life but also opened up professional opportunities. 

Sophie has already collaborated with an interested firm and used Arena4D in her application. She is excited to put her ideas into practice and continue pursuing her promising architectural career.

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You can read the original article by Veesus here: Newcastle University student creates innovative, imersive heritage experience with Arena4D

Original contribution from Veesus

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