Bentley Map Mobile App for Android

Bentley Map Mobile is an Android app that provides powerful viewing capabilities for Bentley Map users, enabling fast access to very large data sets in the field. Bentley Map Mobile is for field personnel of all types, including inspectors, maintenance crews, and construction personnel. With Bentley Map Mobile, field workers are kept up to date with the latest geospatial data, reducing errors and improving service outcomes.

Bentley Map Mobile supports a simple interface using common gestures such as pinch to zoom, swipe to drag, and touch to select. All feature properties are available for review. Facilities can be quickly located using a free-text search function, and, once found, the selected feature is automatically zoomed to the view. The app is GPS-enabled, which simplifies the location of facilities in the field. If a network connection is available, then an interface to Google Maps will produce directions to the selected facility. The view display can be simplified by toggling features off and on, and a list of features in the current view can be quickly generated for active review.

Bentley Map Mobile is a free app that currently works on Android tablets, but will soon be available for the iPad and Windows 8. It requires the use of Bentley Map Mobile Publisher to publish next generation i-models from Bentley Map Enterprise, Bentley Utilities Designer, and Bentley’s communications products.

Source: Bentley

