Intergeo News: FARO Focus3D X 330 and Trimble TX8 - FARO and Trimble launch new scanner

Dear all,

we cover the latest news relating to laser scanner market: FARO and Trimble launch new scanner

FARO launches a new scanner with different models from FARO Focus3D X 30 to FARO Focus3D X 130 and FARO Focus3D X 330.

Trimble launches the new scanner TX 8 for long-range applications. More information will follow.

Laserscanning Europe exclusively had the possibility to make a test with the new FARO Focus3D X 330 scanner.

We are impressed with the new range of the scanner. We saw a point in a distance of 314 meter during our short test. The noise is less than the noise of the previous scanner and the scanner has laser class 1 now.

Laserscanning Europe presents a new scanner target sphere which is the most accuate sphere for terrestrial scanners.
We reach accuracies from less than 0.2mm for radius deviations. The material is very stable against temperature fluctuations.
The new sphere with the name UltraX wiill be available soon in our shop.

We also present the new mobile scanning system for scan and go scanning on a quad bike. The registration will be performed by means of a GPS system and the new PointCab register software.


Are you interested? We offer FARO Focus3D X 330 as well as accessories for FARO Focus3D and Trimble scanner.


Also topcon present new scanner, but they given`t any spec`s out.
They tells us, the new topcon scanner will be in every issues better or equal like Leica P20. We will wait for more informations.