Experts examine remains of original Fort St Elmo wall

Experts are examining the remains of an old wall which could possibly have formed part of the original Fort St Elmo before the Great Siege.
The discovery was made late last month during restoration works on the upper part of the fort.

Historian Stephen Spiteri said that during the restoration works, a stone came loose and workers then discovered the remains of an ancient wall behind it. Further excavation will be necessary, but it could be that the wall led to a tunnel to Grand Harbour from where men and material were smuggled when the fort was besieged during the Great Siege of 1565.

Architect Ray Demicoli said the wall went down to the rock and indicated how deep the original ditch was.

The wall is believed to have been built in 1552. Other remains of the original fort exist and form part of the present structure.

By means of laser scanning technology, the remains of the fort have been scanned. Due to the precise point clouds, which resulted from the scanning, a fly-through animation could be created.

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