Scanner positions and point cloud in PointCab

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Last seen: vor 1 Jahr 8 Monate
Beigetreten: 19.08.2010 - 11:40
Scanner positions and point cloud in PointCab


I just got the processed layouts from PointCab. But scanner positions and point cloud don't lie on top of each other. What has happened?
I use version 3.3 R0.

LSE customer

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Last seen: vor 25 Minuten 5 Sekunden
Beigetreten: 30.03.2011 - 07:47
Scanner positions and point cloud in PointCab


There may be two reasons:

First, the service provider has aligned the project subsequently (e.g. in Scene or PointCab) and your own position coordinates don't comply with the coordinates of the layout project anymore.

The second reason may be that you positioned the layout "freehand" during import into your CAD system; you should have used the origin coordinates.

You find the scanner positions in the *.LSE file of the layout. Simply open it with text editor and compare the data with your coordinates of the scanner positions (It is sufficient to have a look at one scan). The position coordinates are saved as a 4x4 matrix; thus, the position XYZ is each 4th entry.

LSE team