Questions on laser scanning mini prism

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Last seen: vor 3 Jahre 8 Monate
Beigetreten: 17.08.2010 - 11:28
Questions on laser scanning mini prism

We already have 2 mini prisms from your shop, and we would like to use them for an accurate measurement with a total station.

Could you please give us the following data:

  • the precise height of the center of the prism (from the bottom of the magnet to the center of the prism)
  • the deviation from the vertical. I mean: deviation of the prism from a line that would be perfectly perpendicular to the support of the magnet

Best regards
LSE customer


Last seen: vor 22 Stunden 22 Minuten
Beigetreten: 30.03.2011 - 07:47
Laser scanning mini prism

The precise height of the center of the prism is 7.25cm. It's half of the sphere diameter (145mm).

Regarding the deviation, the accuracy is only 1mm to 2mm.

Best regards,
LSE team