Maintenance contract for FARO Focus3D

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Last seen: vor 7 Jahre 2 Monate
Beigetreten: 08.01.2014 - 11:22
Maintenance contract for FARO Focus3D


I want to purchase a Focus3D S 120 from FARO.
Is the maintenance contract recommended? Or which maintenances have to be made?

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Last seen: vor 15 Stunden 16 Minuten
Beigetreten: 30.03.2011 - 07:47
Maintenance contract

You cannot avoid a maintenance contract. The contract ensure calibrations and reparations.

If you don't let your scanner be maintained for a longer term, you can conclude a maintenance contract only after getting a certification. The certification costs 2500 to 3000 Euro. If errors were detected, an extra invoice could be the consequence. Only then, maintenance is available for the scanner.

The maintenance contract for 3 years costs about 8600 EUR. Thus, it doesn't matter whether you buy a new scanner or a pre-owned scanner - You cannot avoid the maintenance contract. Customers often want to demand the certifications of the manufacturer when you use the laser scanner. The manufacturer recommends a calibration once a year.