Volume of Webshare data

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Last seen: vor 7 Jahre 2 Monate
Beigetreten: 08.01.2014 - 11:22
Volume of Webshare data

Can I make the data for the Webshare server smaller in size than the project point cloud?

Forum Schlüsselworte: 
Last seen: vor 6 Stunden 21 Minuten
Beigetreten: 30.03.2011 - 07:47
Compress WebShare data


You cna only minimize the data if you don't need all features of the workspace.
In other words: If you want to download data from the server, the file size is the same. DBut most of the customers only want the measurement function or they want to see the data on the tablet PC.
In that case, it is recommended only to activate the emasurement function for the upload. Thus, the file size could be up to 1/4 smaller (that depends on the project).

Best regards,
LSE team