Technical Advice

Informieren Sie sich über die technischen Details der unterschiedlichen Laserscanner, Laserscanner Software und teilen Ihre Erfahrungen mit anderen Nutzern oder nutzen direkt unsere technische Beratung.

Laserscanning Europe is represented in the Arabian and North African region

Laserscanning Europe and Mena 3D GmbH enter into an exclusive partnership for the Arabian and North African region. The two managing directors Dr.-Ing. Khaled El Nabbout and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Eric Bergholz know each other already from former professional activities.

Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen and one of the best architects of the world benefit from the support of Laserscanning Europe

Since 2012, the business area "Technical consulting" is firmly established in our product portfolio. With our service, we advise customers on issues concerning the purchase of the appropriate laser scanner and software as well as their optimum usage.